People International
The ministry focus is on locals. These teaching positions could be in pre-schools, schools, language schools or other adult education centres. In other words a school or language school that is a Business for Transformation setting.
The school is Christian owned and is runned with clear B4T aims:
• B4T refers to businesses located among unreached people groups with the express goals of being profitable, scalable and bringing holistic, Christ-like transformation to communities
• This is a “double bottom line” approach – profit and transformation – that integrates all aspects of business. It is all about the Gospel and legitimate, profitable business.
Being a teacher in a B4T school gives the opportunity to support a Christian business in the aims of transforming society, as well as developing supportive working relationships with believing colleagues (both local and foreign). A B4T school encourages its teachers to meet people in evangelistic and church plant ministry, as well as being salt and light in the community.
Who we are looking for:
• Someone who is adventurous and flexible and is willing to learn.
• People who share the vision of People International (PI) for the work of the Gospel and whose values and approach match their PI team-mates.
• We are looking for people who will model a healthy lay-ministry lifestyle to the local church, to give witness to the Good News of Jesus, and to disciple others in ways that establish and equip the local church.
• We recommend two years of language and culture learning before taking up a teaching position; with longer cultural acclimatisation and previous teaching experience before owning/administering a B4T.
We offer you:
- Being a member of a PI team and involved in all team activities and outreach.
- Being part of a national or international church in the city and actively involved in supporting their ministry.
- Guidance in preparing to enter the field.
- Help to get a residence and help to find an accommodation.
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